Daten landwirtschaftlicher Böden (FRIBO)
Data and Resources
Daten landwirtschaftlicher Böden (FRIBO)WMS
Données FRIBO sol agricole
Map (Preview) Visualization of the dataSERVICE
Visualization of the data
Daten landwirtschaftlicher Böden (FRIBO)SERVICE
Datenzugriff (de): Download und Webservices (Kantonales Geoportal)
Daten landwirtschaftlicher Böden (FRIBO)SERVICE
Accès aux données (fr) : téléchargement et services web (Géoportail cantonal)
Additional information
- Identifier
- fa5048f9-0f9c-4a77-b763-f418d5891d7a@geoinformation_kanton_freiburg
- Title for URL of the dataset
- daten-landwirtschaftlicher-boden-fribo
- Schedule the publication of the dataset
- -
- Issued date
- January 1, 2000
- Modification date
- January 1, 2000
- Conforms to
- -
- Update interval
- -
- Temporal coverage
- -
- Publisher Information
- Contact points
- Languages
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Relation
- Permalink
- Spatial
- Canton de Fribourg (FR)
- Related datasets
- -
- Documentation
- Keywords
- Terms of use
- Metadata Access
- API (JSON) Download XML