6 dataset trovati

Parole chiave: inspire Formati: WMS Bozza: False

Risultato del Filtro
  • Centrali nucleari

    Energia, Ambiente

    Le centrali nucleari sono impianti che sfruttano la fissione nucleare controllata per la produzione commerciale di energia elettrica. Le quattro centrali nucleari svizzere hanno...

    • CSV
    • GPKG
    • WMS
    • API
  • Kernzone Verkehrskonzept Innenstadt

    Regioni e città, Trasporti

    Verkehrskonzept Innenstadt (VKI): Kernzone mit eingeschränktem Motorfahrzeugverkehr

    • WMS
    • WFS
  • Administrative boundary Switzerland - INSPIRE

    Administrative boundary is a sub layer of Administrative units and is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national bou...

    • WMS
  • Administrative units Switzerland - INSPIRE

    Administrative units is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. It contains all administrative units and national boundaries of Switzerland and the Principality of...

    • WMS
    • ZIP
  • swissBOUNDARIES3D limiti comunali

    swissBOUNDARIES3D frontiere cantonali contiene le frontiere amministrative tra i cantoni svizzeri. La Svizzera é formata da 26 cantoni, i quali hanno lo statuto di Stato federal...

    • HTML
    • WMS
    • API
  • Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE

    Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAME...

    • WMS
    • ZIP
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