3 datasets found

Keywords: e-geoch Formats: API Terms of use: https://opendata.swiss/terms-of-use#terms_open

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  • Floodplains outside of the federal inventary

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Of all the floodplains mapped throughout Switzerland, the objects which have not been included in the federal inventory have been compiled in this dataset. A distinction has bee...

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
  • Alpine Floodplains outside of the federal inventary

    Regions and cities, Environment

    As past of the systematic inventory of flood plains, properties that were until recently not evaluated as having national significance will also be included in the federal inven...

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
  • Mapping of Floodplains of National Importance

    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    In order to give cantons the option of taking the protection of floodplains of probable national importance into their own hands as quickly as possible, the Swiss Agency for the...

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API