36 datasets found

Keywords: water-geographic

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  • Swiss Map Vector 25, Swiss national vector map 1:25 000

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Swiss Map Vector 25 is the Swiss national 1:25,000 scale map in vector format. It includes all complete and differentiated rail, road and path networks, a detailed representatio...

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  • National Map 1:200'000

    The National Map 1:200,000 is a topographic map giving an overview of Switzerland. The map perimeter is divided into 4 (printed map) or 16 (Swiss Map Raster) sheets. The map con...

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  • National Map 1:25'000

    The National Map 1:25,000 is a topographic map of Switzerland representing the areas of traffic and settlements, the topography and the vegetation in great detail. The map perim...

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  • National Map 1:50'000

    The National Map 1:50,000 is a topographic map of Switzerland representing the areas of traffic and settlements, the topography and the vegetation in detail. The map perimeter i...

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  • National Map 1:100'000

    The National Map 1:100,000 is a supra-regional topographic map of Switzerland. The map perimeter is divided into 23 individual sheets. There are composites of specified regions....

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  • National Map 1:10'000 (color)

    The 1:10,000 national map is swisstopo’s largest scale topographic map. It stands out for its detailed representation of traffic, settlements, terrain and vegetation as well as ...

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  • National maps of Switzerland, winter representation

    The winter national map is a derivation of the topographical national maps of Switzerland with detailed depictions of traffic, settlement areas, terrain, bodies of water and veg...

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  • VECTOR25 Hydrographic network GWN07

    The layer "Hydrographic network" consists of a directionally oriented line network connected to each other with nodes, and of a table without geometry. Those features which are ...

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  • swissTLM3D Hydrographical network

    swissTLM3D hydrographical network contains the watercourses and lake contours of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. It is part of the dataset swissTLM3D. With a ...

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  • National Map 1:1 million

    The National Map 1:1 million is a small-scale topographic map giving an overview of Central Europe: Switzerland and its neighbours from Lyons to Salzburg and from Strasbourg to ...

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  • Swiss Map Vector 500, Swiss national vector map 1:500000

    Swiss Map Vector 500 is the Swiss national 1:500,000 scale map in vector format. It includes the railway network, all highways, semi-highways, transit and link roads, a highly s...

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  • Swiss Map Vector 1000, Swiss national vector map 1:1 Million

    Swiss Map Vector 1000 is the Swiss national 1:1,000,000 scale map in vector format. It provides a clear depiction of the main traffic axes, residential areas, bodies of water, s...

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  • Makrozoobenthos

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Beurteilung des biologischen Gewässerzustands anhand der Besiedlung mit wirbellosen Kleinlebewesen (Makrozoobenthos) nach Modulstufenkonzept Makrozoobenthos Stufe F. Die Datenbl...

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  • Gewässerzustand

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Bewertung der Gewässerstrukturen anhand verschiedener ökologisch relevanter Parameter und gemäss Modul-Stufenkonzepts des Bundes (Stufe F). Zudem werden Bauwerke und Abstürze im...

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  • Grundwasserqualität

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Die Objektklasse Grundwasserqualitaet umfasst das kantonale Messnetz zum Monitoring der Grundwasserqualität und bietet die Möglichkeit die NAQUA-Module TREND und SPEZ sowie an-d...

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  • Gewässerraum nach Übergangsbestimmungen

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Der Schutz des Gewässerraums ist im Gewässerschutzgesetz verankert. Der definitive Gewässerraum wird vom Kanton bis 31.12.2018 ausgeschieden. Bis dahin gelten die Übergangsbesti...

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  • Gewässernetz

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Gewässerachsen und Eindolungen im Kanton Basel-Stadt.

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  • National Map 1:1 million (grey)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The National Map 1:1 million (grey) is a small-scale topographic map giving an overview of Central Europe: Switzerland and its neighbours from Lyons to Salzburg and from Strasbo...

    • WMS
  • Swiss Map Vector 10, Swiss national vector map 1:10 000

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Swiss Map Vector 10 is the Swiss national 1:10,000 scale map in vector format. It includes all complete and differentiated rail, road and path networks, a detailed representatio...

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  • National Map 1:50'000, winter representation

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The winter national map 1:50'000 is a derivation of the topographical national map 1:50'000 of Switzerland with detailed depictions of traffic, settlement areas, terrain, bodies...

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  • National Map 1:25'000, winter representation

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The winter national map 1:25'000 is a derivation of the topographical national map 1:25'000 of Switzerland with detailed depictions of traffic, settlement areas, terrain, bodies...

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  • National Map 1:10'000, winter representation

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The winter national map 1:10'000 is a derivation of the topographical national map 1:10'000 of Switzerland with detailed depictions of traffic, settlement areas, terrain, bodies...

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  • National Map 1:100'000, winter representation

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The winter national map 1:100'000 is a derivation of the topographical national map 1:100'000 of Switzerland with detailed depictions of traffic, settlement areas, terrain, bodi...

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  • National Map 1:200'000, winter representation

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The winter national map 1:200'000 is a derivation of the topographical national map 1:200'000 of Switzerland with detailed depictions of traffic, settlement areas, terrain, bodi...

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  • Ökomorphologie stehende Gewässer

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Ökomorphologie Ober- und Untersee: Der Datensatz beinhaltet die Ökomorphologie des Ober- und Untersees. Die Bewertung erfolgte nach der Methode der Internationalen Gewässerschut...

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