3 datasets found

Keywords: polluted-site Formats: N/A

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  • Cadastre of contaminated sites on civil aerodromes (CCS FOCA) V2.0 PLR

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Public register of contaminated sites within the perimeter of civil aerodromes. This includes information about the location, type and quantity of waste, the period of depositio...

    • WMS
  • Cadastre of contaminated sites on civil aerodromes (CCS FOCA)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Public register of contaminated sites within the perimeter of civil aerodromes. This includes information about the location, type and quantity of waste, the period of depositio...

    • WMS
    • API
  • Kataster der belasteten Standorte

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Im Kataster der belasteten Standorte des Kantons Wallis, der gemäss den Bestimmungen der Altlasten-Verordnung des Bundes vom 26. August 1998 (AltlV) erstellt wurde, werden die S...

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