21 datasets found

Keywords: orthoimagery Draft: False

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  • Landsat Mosaic of Switzerland

    The mosaic of Landsat satellite images is a composition of 20 individual images taken by the American satellite Landsat 5, in the years 1990 to 1994. It is a unique set of image...

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  • National Map 1:10'000 (color)

    The 1:10,000 national map is swisstopo’s largest scale topographic map. It stands out for its detailed representation of traffic, settlements, terrain and vegetation as well as ...

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  • Orthophoto of Switzerland with a 25m resolution

    The SWISSIMAGE 25 orthophoto mosaic is a composition of digital colour aerial images with a resolution of 25 m per pixel. SWISSIMAGE 25 has been resampled from the SWISSIMAGE or...

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  • SWISSIMAGE HIST 1946: The Orthophotomosaic of Switzerland from 1946

    The orthophoto mosaic SWISSIMAGE HIST 1946 is a composition of historical black and white aerial photographs from 1946 («US flight mission») over the whole of Switzerland with a...

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  • Aerial Images swisstopo b / w

    The aerial imagery catalogue of swisstopo comprises around 360’000 analogue aerial photographs (black and white, colour or infrared colour). About 280’00 aerial images are repre...

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  • Aerial Images swisstopo color

    The aerial imagery catalogue of swisstopo comprises around 360’000 analogue aerial photographs (black and white, colour or infrared colour). About 280’00 aerial images are repre...

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  • Aerial Images swisstopo infrared

    The aerial imagery catalogue of swisstopo comprises around 360'000 analogue aerial photographs (black and white, colour or infrared colour). About 280'00 aerial images are repre...

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  • Image strips swisstopo

    In context of the update cycle of the national maps and the production of the orthoimage mosaic SWISSIMAGE, swisstopo records the whole area of Switzerland with aerial image str...

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  • SWISSIMAGE 10 cm, digital orthophotomosaic of Switzerland

    The orthophoto mosaic SWISSIMAGE 10 cm is a composition of new digital color aerial photographs over the whole of Switzerland with a ground resolution of 10 cm in the plain area...

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  • Orthofoto 1926

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder von 1926 in TrueColor. Vom 1. Juli – 15. September 1926 fand in den soeben neu erstellten Messehallen eine internationale Auss...

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 2002 März

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 2002 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 2001 Juli

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom Juli 2001 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 1995 März

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 1995 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofotos

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder von verschiedenen Jahren und Jahreszeiten in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 1999 März

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 1999 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 1985 Juli (10cm)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom Juli 1985 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 1990 März (10cm)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom März 1990 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 1979 August (10cm)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom August 1979 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 2008 April

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom April 2008 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 2005 April

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom April 2005 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
  • Orthofoto 2010 April

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Entzerrte und georeferenzierte digitale Luftbilder vom April 2010 in TrueColor.

    • WMS
    • WMTS
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