5 datasets found

Keywords: lake Terms of use: https://opendata.swiss/terms-of-use#terms_by

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  • Zones interdites au kitesurfing sur les lacs du canton de Fribourg

    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    Diese Ebene zeigt die Zonen in denen das Fahren mit Drachensegelbrettern (Kitesurfen) verboten ist, gemäss «Beschluss betreffend Beschränkung bzw. Verbot der Schifffahrt auf gew...

    • WMS
  • swissTLMRegio Landcover

    The topic Landcover describes the topographic land cover. It consists of one feature class. The polygons build up a surface network, where gaps and overlays (according to the ov...

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  • VECTOR25 Hydrographic network GWN07

    The layer "Hydrographic network" consists of a directionally oriented line network connected to each other with nodes, and of a table without geometry. Those features which are ...

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  • swissTLMRegio Names

    The topic Names is comprised of the two Feature Classes NamedLocation and TLMRegio_NamedLocation_PLY which contains names of municipalities, places, peaks and numerous other imp...

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  • Ökomorphologie stehende Gewässer

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Ökomorphologie Ober- und Untersee: Der Datensatz beinhaltet die Ökomorphologie des Ober- und Untersees. Die Bewertung erfolgte nach der Methode der Internationalen Gewässerschut...

    • WMS
    • WFS
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).