72 datasets found

Organizations: Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Formats: N/A Draft: False

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  • Federal Inventory of Hunting Ban Reserves

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Federal hunting bans have existed since 1875 and served the purpose of raising the populations of chamois, red deer and roe deer as well as ibex (cloven-hoofed game), which had ...

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  • Map of the recent earthquakes (last 90 days) in and around Switzerland

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The map of the earthquakes of the last 90 days shows the current seismic activity in Switzerland and the nearby regions recorded by the Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zu...

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  • Federal Inventory of Floodplains of National Importance

    Regions and cities, Environment

    1987 liess das BUWAL eine detaillierte Vegetationskartierung der Objekte des Vernehmlassungsversion des Aueninventars ausarbeiten. Im Rahmen dieser Kartierungen wurden die sicht...

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  • Cantonal & private gauging stations (HADES 5.1.2)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    This set of data represents the locations of hydrometric gauging stations belonging to cantons (data source: “KANTON”) and private owners (data source: “HADES”). The data was co...

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  • Swiss National Park

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Switzerland’s National Park was created in 1909 through private initiatives. When the Confederation took over, it was officially created on 1 August 1914. The park was expanded ...

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  • National Ecological Network (REN), dry habitat

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The National Ecological Network (REN) was developed in close collaboration with cantonal authorities for the protec-tion of nature and landscapes. It issues a technical/sciencif...

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  • Areas of storm damage caused by “Vivian” in 1990

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Federal government inventory of damage caused by “Vivian” in February 1990: database of areas of total damage in forests. Defined criteria and conditions: Area of total damage: ...

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  • Generalised background map for the representation of hydrological data

    Regions and cities, Environment

    In addition to the outline of Switzerland, the generalised background map displays a simplified, reduced watercourse network and some selected cities for improved orientation at...

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  • Federal Inventory of Floodplains of National Importance - Appendix 2

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Floodplains, namely natural habitats in the flood zones of watercourses, are in decline. The scientific inventory of floodplains was commissioned by the FDHA in May 1981 and com...

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  • Wildlife network system

    Regions and cities, Environment

    First, known wildlife corridors were recorded from existing data at the cantonal level, and potential corridors were detected by GIS and then divided into wildlife corridors of ...

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  • Floodplains outside of the federal inventary

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Of all the floodplains mapped throughout Switzerland, the objects which have not been included in the federal inventory have been compiled in this dataset. A distinction has bee...

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  • Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Article 5 of the Federal Act of 1 July 1966 on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage (NCHA) orders the Federal Council to compile inventories of sites of national impor...

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  • Distribution of ibex colonies

    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    After being resettled in 1906, Alpine (Capra) ibex live in colonies of varying sizes throughout the Alpine region and in the Jura mountains. Because the growth of stocks in spec...

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  • Federal Inventory of Raised and Transition Bogs of National Importance

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Raised bogs are some of the most susceptible habitats in Switzerland and are in sharp decline. Today, between 10% and 20% of the original stocks still exist. The scientific inve...

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  • Federal Inventory of Dry Grasslands of National Importance

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Dry grasslands are habitats with a wide variety of species that are marked by agricultural use. In accordance with the Federal Act on Protecting Nature and Cultural Heritage, th...

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  • General situation of rivers and lakes

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The map shows the current Swissriver discharges and lake water levels compared with the monthly percentiles of the long term hourly averages (expressed in percentiles). The perc...

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  • Swiss residual flow maps Supply

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The Federal Act of 24 January 1991 on the Protection of Water against Pollution (LPEP) and its provisions on residual flows came into force on November 1, 1992 in Kraft getreten...

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  • Monthly rainfall erosivity (R-factor) maps of Switzerland in MJ mm ha⁻¹ h⁻¹ m...

    Regions and cities, Environment

    <p>Monthly rainfall erosivity maps (R-factor maps) of Switzerland with a spatial resolution of 100 m. The maps show the spatial and seasonal variability of rainfall erosivity in...

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  • Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average so...

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of gree...

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  • Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average so...

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of gree...

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  • Federal Inventory of Mire Landscapes of Particular Beauty and National Signif...

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Mire landscapes are essentially semi-natural landscapes shaped by mires that are also home to other noteworthy natural and cultural elements. They are the last remaining habitat...

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  • Modelled altitudinal vegetation belts for 2085 with dry future climate

    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    This map shows the altitudinal vegetation belts of forest vegetation in Switzerland for the period 2070-2099 assuming a dry future climate. The following altitudinal vegetation ...

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  • NAQUA-QUANT Monitoring sites (NAQUA National groundwater monitoring)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Groundwater is the result of the percolation of rainfall and the infiltration of river water. Groundwater levels and spring discharges therefore respond – though possibly with a...

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  • Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average so...

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of gree...

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  • Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland, with average so...

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Monthly soil erosion risk maps for Swiss permanent grassland with a spatial resolution of 100m. The maps show the average soil loss in tons per hectare and month. Shades of gree...

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