3 datasets found

Keywords: well-consolidated-rock Draft: False Political levels: other

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  • GeoMaps 500 Raster

    Six «GeoMaps» at 1:500000 scale give a broad overview of the composition and major features of the underlying structure of Switzerland. The geological map provides an overview o...

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    • WMS
  • GeoMaps 500 Vector

    Six «GeoMaps» at 1:500000 scale give a broad overview of the composition and major features of the underlying structure of Switzerland. The geological map provides an overview o...

    • HTML
    • WMS
  • Geological Map of Switzerland 1:500000

    The 1:500,000 Geological Map of Switzerland covers the whole of Switzerland and adjoining parts of neighbouring countries. It gives an overview of the distribution of the upperm...

    • WMS
    • API
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