11 datasets found

Keywords: official-geodata Categories: Regions and cities Terms of use: https://opendata.swiss/terms-of-use#terms_by

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  • Sectoral plan on transport, aviation infrastructure section (SIL)

    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The sectoral plan on transport, aviation infrastructure section (SIL) is the federal planning and coordination tool for the civil aviation. Therein the goals and objectives for ...

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  • Reserved zones for airport installations

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Designated area in which the land must be kept free for future airport installations. Plot-specific representation with a line on a large-scale plan. Constructional changes that...

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  • Safety zone plan

    Regions and cities, Environment

    For each airport, a security zone is to be established, which protects the airspace from obstacles. The FOCA will decide in each case whether a safety zone is necessary for air ...

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  • Noise pollution register for civil aerodromes

    Regions and cities, Environment

    For aerodromes at which certain noise levels occur, the Swiss environmental legislation (SR 814.41) stipulates that exposure curves have to be produced and reported. This proced...

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  • Cadastre of contaminated sites on civil aerodromes (CCS FOCA)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Public register of contaminated sites within the perimeter of civil aerodromes. This includes information about the location, type and quantity of waste, the period of depositio...

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  • Cadastre of obstacle limitation surfaces

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Obstacle limitation surfaces are a series of three-dimensional surfaces that delimit the obstacle-free airspace generally required for flight safety. Objects that penetrate thes...

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  • swissBUILDINGS3D 3.0 Beta

    Regions and cities

    swissBUILDINGS3D 3.0 beta is a dataset which describes buildings as 3D-models with roof geometries and roof overhangs. Two variants are available: a model with closed solids and...

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  • Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz 1:25000 – Profile

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The GA25-Profile dataset (GA25_CS) is a compilation of the cross sections published together with the Geological Atlas 1:25,000. It depicts the cross section tracks and contains...

  • National Map 1:1 million (grey)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The National Map 1:1 million (grey) is a small-scale topographic map giving an overview of Central Europe: Switzerland and its neighbours from Lyons to Salzburg and from Strasbo...

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  • Electricity Transmission Lines sectoral plan

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Sectoral planning is the federal government’s overlying planning and coordination tool for implementing its spatial planning duties. Projects concerning the construction and exp...

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  • Sectoral Plan Deep Geological Repositories

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Most of the radioactive waste in Switzerland comes from the country's five nuclear power plants, though a certain amount is also produced in the healthcare sector, in industry a...

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